A Simple Car Animation
What you see on the stage What actually happens We need 6 graphics for this animation Draw them as shown in the above image (You don’t need to write the name, only graphics) Now you have 6 graphics on the stage 1. SKY 2. CLOUD 3. LOG 4. CAR BODY 5. TYRE 6. ROAD Click on Selection Tool (V) and draw a rectangle around the cloud to select it. Press F8 You should immediately see a popup dialogue box Name - cloud Type – Movie Clip Registration – Center Then press OK See the drawing has been converted to a Movie clip symbol Do the same steps for · SKY · LOG · CAR BODY · TYRE · ROAD Select the tyre Movie clip with Selection Tool (V) Press the Alt key and drag the tyre to right side Release the mouse and Alt key Now you have two tyres !!!! Now we are ready for the animation Arrange car and tyres and select them all (Car and two tyres). (For multiple section use Shift key) Press F8 Name it car Now we need a fence like this Select the log Press Ctrl+C – (copy) then Ctrl +Shift+ V (Paste in Place...